How to Relieve the Discomfort of Dry Eyes in the Winter

Winter can be very cold, so you need all the comfort and warmth possible. The season worsens for individuals suffering from dry eyes. The eyes become dry when unable to produce adequate or quality tears to remain lubricated and moist. As a result, you may experience a burning sensation, itching, blurred vision, redness, and light sensitivity. Read on to learn how to relieve dry eye discomfort in winter.




Most people heat their rooms during winter to counter the cold. However, the heating can make the air indoors dry. A humidifier can help moisten the air in your home or office. As a result, your eyes will also remain moist and not dry. Hence, you will experience relief from the condition.


Artificial Tears


Dry eyes can be very uncomfortable and unbearable. Thus, have artificial tears everywhere to ensure you constantly moisturize your eyes. Have a bottle in your bag, car, or home to help relieve dry eye symptoms. However, you may need to visit your eye doctor for further treatment if you use artificial tears over six times a day.


Warm Compresses


Reduce eye discomfort or redness caused by dryness by applying warm compresses. You can do this in your home by soaking a washcloth in warm water. Squeeze it and put it over your eyes for 10 minutes to let them rest and soothe.


Drink a Lot of Water


The cold winter may discourage you from drinking as much water as you should. But no matter how temperatures drop, your eyes need to remain moist to relieve dry eye discomfort. Hence, drink at least eight glasses of water daily to moisten your membranes. You can also maximize taking other fluids like tea, juice, and fresh fruits to remain hydrated throughout the season.


Wear Protective Eyewear


Winter can have strong winds that can dry your eyes if you step outdoors without any protective eyewear. Use your sunglasses to serve as UV protection and to shield the eyes from winter winds. Wraparound sunglasses may be the best, as they can also hinder debris from getting into your eyes.


Sit Away From Heat


Heat is necessary when the temperature drops in winter. You will want to switch on the heater in your house or office. While this will help make you warm and comfortable throughout the cold season, try not to face the heat source directly. Doing so will increase the likelihood of your eyes drying up or tears evaporating fast.


Protect your eyes by positioning yourself away from open fires for warming the house or the people around them.


Reduce Screen Time


You are likely to spend most of your time indoors during winter. As a result, you may use your screen a lot. Excessive screen time is not beneficial to your eye health. It can increase the risk of dry eyes, so take regular breaks from using your phone, tablet, or computer. Try to blink as often as you can so you can spread tears across your eye surface to keep them moist.


Visit Your Eye Doctor


Sometimes, you may try everything possible to relieve dry eye discomfort during winter without succeeding. Visit your eye doctor if you follow all the mentioned tips but your symptoms persist. Your specialist will examine you to get a diagnosis and start a more effective treatment to help relieve your dry eyes.


For more about dry eyes in the winter, call City Eyes Optometry Center at (818) 960-1300 our office in Sherman Oaks, California.

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